Wednesday, 25 October 2017

Thinking of coming to Lewes Bonfire night? Think again

The advice from the multi-agency group remains do not to come to the event from outside of Lewes but find a firework display closer to home.  You can find information about local events at:

Roads will be closed, parking suspended and trains will not be stopping at Lewes and nearby stations. Read more about the timings of these restrictions further down this page.

Lewes town centre will be extremely busy, it will be uncomfortable as the town is small and not suitable for large crowds. Lewes has a population of 17,000 people and last time the bonfire took place on a Saturday when there weren’t travel restrictions, 60,000 people were in the town.

The event is not just a firework display but a large procession. Due to large crowds, it is unlikely you will get a good viewing position for the procession.

We also believe this event is not suitable for children and young families because of the number of people, the layout of the town, the noise and it not being a classic firework display. It could be very scary for these reasons and other events elsewhere would be more suitable.

Please note that we do not organise the event - the individual bonfire societies run their own displays and will have their own measures in place. Please check with them if you intend to attend one of their events. You can find information about the Societies here:

Can I park nearby?

There will be parking restrictions in place in town from midday and vehicles left in areas where you cannot park will be removed. In previous years, people have parked on the verge on the A27 – this is not acceptable as it poses a risk to traffic and to pedestrians walking along the road.  This year the A27 is a clearway and the Police will be enforcing this. If you park your car on the A27 your vehicle will be towed.

Am I going to be able to get home?

There will be no trains from midday until normal Sunday services resume, there will also be limited buses and taxis and it is likely that you could be standing outside for hours, as it is November it could be cold and wet. If you do decide to go then you are responsible for your own arrangements with regard to getting home safely. The advice is to stay away from the event unless you live in Lewes. 

Will public facilities such as toilets be open? Will additional facilities be provided?

Yes. Public toilets will be open and there will be additional facilities provided on the streets of Lewes. However please note that the majority of shops and pubs close and there are no organised public areas where you can shelter if the weather gets bad.

Were there any injuries last year?

In excess of 80 people needed treatment by the ambulance service last year that included several significant eye injuries.

What do I do if I need help or first aid?

Look for a steward or police officer. St John’s Ambulance will be in attendance and you can also call 999 if it is a serious incident.

I use a wheelchair – what facilities will be available to me?

You will need to contact the bonfire societies to see what provisions they are making for the displays at their fire sites.

The procession takes place through a public space which will be very crowded and there are no viewing platforms/areas set aside.

I am bringing my young family/I have children in pushchairs – what facilities are available to me?

You will need to contact the bonfire societies to see what provisions they are making for the displays at their fire sites.

The procession takes place through a public space which will be very crowded and there are no viewing platforms/areas set aside. . Many of the streets of Lewes are narrow, steep or cobbled which can make it hard to negotiate. It will be extremely loud, which could permanently affect children’s hearing. There is also a danger of flying embers.

For these reasons we believe the procession is not suitable for young children or children in push chairs.

Can I bring alcohol and food with me?

We would advise against bringing anything in glass bottles to the event. There are no areas set aside for people to eat.

Only people over 18 can drink alcohol in public. There is a Public Space Protection Order in place covering all of Lewes:

How will I know who the stewards are?

You will need to contact bonfire societies to find out their arrangements for their respective displays.

Stewards for the processions will be wearing high visibility jackets. Please ensure that you follow their instructions.

There will also be police officers on duty.

What should I do if I see a lit torch or a flare on the ground?

Please do not touch it under any circumstances. If you are concerned it may cause a fire e.g. it is up against a building or vehicle, or it is a safety hazard, please tell a Police Officer or steward.